Garlic Buttér Mushroom Stufféd Chickén

Garlic Buttér Mushroom Stufféd Chickén

4 tabléspoons buttér
8 ouncés (250 grams) brown mushrooms, slicéd
4 clovés garlic, mincéd
2 tabléspoons frésh parsléy choppéd
Salt and péppér, to tasté
And many more.

  • First of all. Préhéat ovén to 200°C or 400°F.
  • After that, Mélt buttér in a largé (ovér 12-inch or 30 cm) ovén proof pan or skillét ovér médium héat. Add garlic and sauté until fragrant (about 1 minuté). Add in mushrooms, salt and péppér (to your tastés), and parsléy. Cook whilé stirring occasionally until soft. Sét asidé and allow to cool whilé préparing your chickén.
  • After it, Pat bréasts dry with a papér towél. Séason with salt, péppér, onion powdér and driéd parsléy. Rub éach piécé to événly coat in séasoning.
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